雲林縣華南國小暨樟湖國中小校長 陳清圳
一、 走訪與信任
二、 資源盤點與調查
三、 策略規劃
and Values)、組織面對的困境與挑戰,與後續的行動方案等。透過策略規劃,有助於社區居民擘劃未來。
四、 社區人力培訓
五、 課程(活動、計畫)的擬定與實施
六、 反省與檢討
1. 綠美化:
2. 牆面的改變:
3. 生態環境:
4. 家戶綠美化:
5. 以幸福為名的有機菜園:
二、 環境學習中心
1. 課程主題的選定:環境學習中心,泛指擁有環境特色的地區,能提供適當的場域、展示、教育、設施與活動,透過專業人員的解說、引導及教育,使各年齡的對象,能在環境中體驗自然的美好,珍視環境與資源的可貴,學習環境的知識,探索人與環境互動與互賴的關係,並培養對環境負責任的行為。也就是說環境學習中心是整合社區各種資源朝向系統化發展的重要概念。這幾年華南國小與社區開始利用當地的資源,經設計轉化後進行推廣。包含夜間觀察、溪流體驗、咖啡DIY、檳榔樹屋搭設、自然步道導覽、植物素材DIY、植物染、能源課程、傳統老屋或古文物解說等活動等。
2. 學習場域:社區最困難的部份應該是學習空間的建置。大部分的社區都會有活動中心,如果可以合作的話,可以同時發展成展示、上課與活動的空間,空間基本需求應該具有容納三四十人的條件。設置學習空間,在學校容易受到干擾,但是比較有足夠的設施。社區的空間與設備通常比較不完備,但是比較不會干擾學校的上課。
3. 環境教育認證人員:一般而言,當有足夠的條件成立環境教育中心時,不管是學校或者是社區,都要有人朝向環境教育人員認證的目標前進,這樣才能維繫中心的品質與開創新的課程內涵。
4. 專家學者資源:學校經營發展必須整合各方資源,並按照學校的課程計畫,逐步實施,這樣才能逐步提升學生的學習品質。因此,學校經營要能夠分析學校人力與特長,引進大學與企業資源,與社區合作,將資源投入到課程經營上,這樣才能將有限的資源發揮到極致。
溪流課程 |
淨溪淨山 |
(二) 生態祭典的啟動
惜山祭 |
地質教學 | 賞蛙課程 |
Changchun Chen
Principal of Huanan Elementary School
and Janghu Elementary& Junior High School
Innovation in education happens not
only on campus but also beyond the campus, so the community inevitably should be
included. Huanan Elementary School
in Yunlin County is a model of school-community partnerships in Environmental
Education. The school tries to make
the school community be aware of local environmental issues, to rediscover the
natural and cultural resources with curricula, and to improve the local business
by resource integration as well as environment improvement.
Finding out feasible strategies after
a community review is an indispensable foundation of school-community
cooperation. Steps of Engaging the
Local Community in Environmental Education (EE) are below.
Most good community projects are
built on a trusting relationship between schools and communities.
Schools can interact with local communities by sharing resources or
working on projects together.
Carrying out a systematical
environmental review helps the local communities to be discovered.
In Huanan’s school-based curriculum,
the pupils identify local resources through community menber interviews as well
as nature surveys, e.g. frog survey, firefly survey, plants survey, etc.
Then the results they gathered can be used in community actions.
The process of making action plans
helps the community identify its environmental strength, weakness, and
Empower the community members through
forums, local narratives, community painting, green maps making, local guide
training, etc.
Local guide training can be started
from school-based curricula. In
Huanan Elementary School’s Stream Curriculum, school teachers design twelve
learning activities. Then, three of
them are directly installed in its local guide training program, including
stream guide, water quality analysis, and outdoor recreation.
The regular feedback from
observations and participants’ questionnaires helps the curriculum be improved.
(1) Greenification of Communities
Greenification of communities is the
most common way for community environment improvement, such as community
cleanup, environmental arts, spare space greenification, hedges and nature
trails construction, etc. Schools
can be in charge of writing funding proposals for community greenification
projects, and the local community personnel can be in charge of getting local
authorizations, recruiting community volunteers, and other greenification works.
Moreover, it’s important to display these before-and-after photos, thus the
residents can see the environment improvement from photo comparisons.
(2) Space Transformation
To raise environmental awareness in
communities, it’s crucial to encourage residents to participate in space
transformation project, such as hedge construction as well as environmental art
(3) Community Ecologization
Community ecologization is one of the
most challenging tasks. For example, before building an ecological pond, local
environmental review and analysis are required.
Also, before planting honey plants, the possible influences or impacts on
local environment must be taken into consideration.
Communities already having ecological ponds can try to keep the ponds
alive by removing the fill and planting aquatic plants.
(4) Greenification in Families
In addition to making public spaces
green, keeping each home green is also crucial.
The feasible strategies may be offering residents plants and flowerpots,
or developing an environmental evaluation with rewards.
(5) Organic Farms
The real learning for pupils is to
immerse them in the education that real life provides.
Therefore, to raise pupils’ environmental perceptions and awareness,
schools can design curricula with indoor and outdoor learning activities.
Huanan’s organic farming curriculum is an example. It involves three
stages: getting to know the nature and local economies with real experiences,
conducting an investigation into local economies for deeper understandings, and
then helping local economies with actions.
(1) Curriculum Topic
Environmental Learning Center (ELC)
is a regional center for environmental education and outdoor recreation for all
ages. Environmental learning
experiences, provided by professional environmental educators, are in an attempt
to increase participants’ environmental awareness and actions. Huanan Elementary
School and its local community have made good use of local resources and
developed several learning programs, including nocturnal observation, stream
recreations, coffee DIY, betel nut tree house building, nature guides, natural
dyeing, energy courses, local heritage and housing guides.
(2) Location
Finding the right location for ELC in
community is a big challenge. If
there is a community center with a capacity of 30 to 40 people, that will be a
perfect ELC location for displays, lessons or activities.
(3) Certified Professional Environmental Educator
Encourage school staff and community
personnel to be certified professional environmental educators, so that the
ELC’s working quality and curricula can be ensured and improved.
(4) Scholars and Specialists
Human Resources Integration
To improve the learning quality,
schools can conduct a community human resources analysis. Then, integrate human
resources of enterprises, universities, and the community to curriculum
There is an unpolluted stream in Huanan Elementary School’s community, so
we engage the pupils in water experiences.
One day, the director of local community told me (the principal) his plan
of constructing ladder-like embankments to keep the stream clean.
I was astonished and worried about the upcoming impacts on local
environment. Thus, I start the
school-based curriculum of Stream.
It contains three steps: environmental understanding, environmental inquiry, and
environmental actions.
In July of that year, I asked the community director for help in school’s
stream trekking learning. The
community director was surprised that pupils keep high motivations in stream
learning. “Director, it’s a pity
that there’ll be no place for pupils’ stream trekking learning after that
construction.” I said. “Right,” the
community director answered. Then I
persuaded the community director to develop eco-tours for profits, instead of
constructing artificial structures in water.
The director agrees with my idea.
Afterwards, we held a community meeting hosted by our pupils, and form a
community stream-keeper team. With
the efforts we’ve made, the community is awarded with several eco prizes, and
the stream is also saved.
In school, school teachers systematically design curricula and
learning activities. As for the
community, we invited community members to the guide training program, and offer
them several simplified learning activities that they can used in local tours.
In Huashan Area, there were
environmental damages caused by improper use of pesticides as well as negative
impacts of coffee tourism. To
increase community residents’ environmental awareness and actions, some members
decide to hold eco festivals. The
aims of eco festivals are to: educate visitors and community members to slow
down or stop while meeting any animal in the road; regulate the use of
pesticides for environmental recovery; and reduce artificial night lights in
fireflies mating season. What eco
festivals includes are below.
(1) Mountain Festival
In March, we hold Mountain Festival.
We claim to protect the mountains and work on landowner authorizations
(no damages, no pesticides, and no disturbing during the breeding season.)
Then, the local government awards those
landowners certificates of appreciation.
(2) Heaven Festival
In April, it’s time for harvest, so
we hold Heaven Festival. We promise
to improve public environmental knowledge with tour guides and activities in the
following six months, such as stream trekking, nocturnal observation, and nature
guides. Besides, to minimize the
impact of those activities, we work on water quality monitor and environmental
surveys in this period.
(3) Thanksgiving Festival
In November, it’s time for joy and
thanksgiving, so we celebrate Thanksgiving Festival by collecting donations for
those local residents in need.
The school as well as its community
provides various eco tour packages, including fireflies guide, frogs guide, and
butterflies guide. Also, local
restaurants are involved and offer some related courses on weekend nights.
In this way, we can maximize economic benefits for the local community
and improve community members’ environmental knowledge.
The local community offers
environmental educational tours to other schools, such as nocturnal observation,
stream recreations, coffee DIY, betel nut tree house building, nature guides,
natural dyeing, local housing guide.
Since this tour project starts, we welcome over 5,000 visits each year, and more
than 10,000 visits in 2011.
To minimize the negative
environmental impacts of tourist growth, we regularly monitor the quality of
fireflies’ and frogs’ habitats, their populations, and water quality.
Farmland Green Tree Frogs, living in
agricultural areas of Chiayi and Yunlin, are second-class national protected
species. To protect Farmland Green Tree Frogs’ habitat, ecolabel certification
project is developed and applied to promoting eco-friendly bamboo shoots.
In these years, we found the pupils and school community have been
improved with Huanan’s school-based curriculum.
Therefore, schools should work together with the communities.
And forming school-community partnerships and integrating local resources
are important tasks.