啟動新北空氣盒子 空污報你知!

新北市立林口國中教師 詹志偉

    學務處廣播:「各位同學大家好!今日由於空氣品質不佳,細懸浮微粒PM 2.5指數已達紫爆程度,請師生避免戶外運動,有過敏或呼吸道疾病、心血管疾病的同學請戴上口罩…。」時序近冬,東北季風逐漸增強,也正是大陸懸浮微粒來襲的季節,於是近期天空飽受霾害的影響,經常是灰濛濛的一片,除了能見度不佳,空氣品質不佳更危害每個人的健康。







    珍古德博士(Dr. Jane Goodall)曾說:「環境是向後代子孫暫借的,而不是繼承自祖先」。


Activating New Taipei City Airbox, an Air Pollution Alarm

C.W. Chan

張凱復 譯


     Office of Student Affairs broadcasted, “Due to bad air quality today, any outdoor activities should be avoided. The PM2.5 index had reached the color of purple. Students who have an allergy, respiratory or cardiovascular disease should wear masks.”  As winter was around the corner, the northeast monsoon was getting stronger gradually. It was also the season when particulate matter from the continent started to strike. The sky was constant gray because of smog. Besides poor visibility, people’s health was severely threatened by air pollution.

     Last September, Edimax Technology Co., Ltd. donated each school of New Taipei City an Airbox. After installed, school administration can monitor the temperature, humidity, and PM2.5 index of nearby surroundings and provide students, teachers and local citizens latest air quality information.

Activating the Airbox

Concepts of Course Designing

     The monitoring system was integrated with Information Technology Education through tablets to strengthen students’ awareness and emphasis on air quality. Moreover, by reflecting on human beings’ living patterns and changing our living styles, a better environment can be preserved.



Course Structure

Teaching Activities

Knowing Air Pollution

Through slides and explanations of authentic examples, students can know the cause and sources of air pollution. Students should learn to protect their own health and in bad air condition and improve the air quality and put them into practice. 

Downloading Air Quality Monitoring APP

Students were taken to the language labs with their tablets downloading EdiGreen APP to activate Airbox.  Students need to monitor the simultaneous data of PM2.5 in their junior high, elementary and some designated schools’ surroundings. Judging from their feedback, they quite support the idea of Airbox and were willing to introduce the device to their family and friends.

Animation Designing

From thinking to realizing, it is the spirit of Maker that weighs. Through the designing of the worksheets, students became more aware of the harm caused by air pollution to personal health and learn how to monitor the index of PM2.5. Moreover, students brought forth practical actions to reduce the air pollution, and used Scratch to create animations that convey their own ideas.

Reducing Air Pollution

        The course consisted of knowing, monitoring, doing and taking practical action. From the very beginning class of knowing air pollution, monitoring air pollution index to completing producing animation of reducing air pollution, the ultimate goal was to motivate people putting the ideas of reducing air pollution, maintaining good air quality and continuing everlasting environmental development into practice.


Dr. Jane Goodall said, "We haven’t inherited this planet from our parents, we borrowed it from our children."  Air is one of the necessities for human life. The quality of air has a great influence on our health. This course taught students from knowing air pollution, downloading monitoring APP, making animations to practicing these ideas in daily life. It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain good air and mitigate air pollution. Let us devoted ourselves to preserving a healthy environment for future generations.