中園國小 林振群•梁哲霖
「動手做,把想法實踐出來」這就是創客的精神。「創客風潮」目前正風靡全世界,而且被視為是啟動未來創新的重要角色。從「想」到「做」的展現將成為影響未來競爭力的關鍵。而這一股「Maker」風潮也吹向台灣,新北市與世界同步,以學習、思考、發想、實作的教學方式,於104年在轄內的5所高中職建置「創客教室」(Maker classroom),希望讓學習不再只是單方向的灌輸,透過自己的手將想法化為實體。中園國小也掌握著最新的潮流,並向下紮根,讓學生擁有真實的學習經驗,及親自動手做的學習概念,在校內的能源教室裡,也悄悄地在培育一群小的「創客」。
最恰當的環境可以讓創意奔馳,讓成就付諸實現,我們也正努力著將中園國小的能源教室營造成一個能讓小孩發揮創意的環境,希望以有限的資源、學習的角度,開闢一個屬於孩子的空間,讓孩子去認識能源動力的相關知識,並且能夠親身實作,體驗能源世界的奧妙!如同大家熟知的,美國家庭的車庫往往是實驗、腦力激盪、翻轉碰撞的實驗室,提供各種創意落實的可能,蘋果電腦創辦人Steve Jobs在車庫中製作出第一代電腦,就是最佳的詮釋典範。中園國小的能源教室擁有豐富且足夠的教具,讓學生在學習時能夠親自動手操作教具,使學生更容易和抽象概念作聯結,更能提高學生學習興趣及成效。相信孩子如果能操控自己製作的太陽能車跑來跑去,代表他也學會了數學、物理等領域的相關概念,這對孩子創造、思考力及人格鍛鍊都有莫大幫助。
一、 親自示範,以身作則
二、 設計遊戲,激發創意
三、 鼓勵發想,善用問題
四、 鼓勵冒險,獎勵創意
Energy Education from the Link of Creation, Maker
C.C. Lin, C.L. Liang
Chung Yuan Elementary School
“Maker” is now an overwhelming worldwide concept which tries to convey the
ideas of visualizing people’s thoughts by hands. It is considered a crucial as
well as influencing element of future competition. Now the wind has blown to
Taiwan. Meanwhile, the New Taipei City Government has established Maker
Classrooms in 5 high schools respectively to realize students’ thoughts and to
make learning not merely a one-way top-down process. Chung Yuan Elementary
School has caught the tide and been developing a group of small makers in
We modified the Energy Education Classroom into a place of inspiring
atmosphere for students to let their creativity run wildly. With limited
resources, we have been anticipating that students can learn the related
knowledge of energy and experience the marvels of energy world. Chung Yuan
Elementary provide students with numerous and sufficient teaching aids. By
manipulating these teaching aids personally, we can solidify the connection
between reality and abstract concepts and promote learning motivation as well
as efficiency. It will be of great benefit, if students learn how to drive
their self-designed solar-powered car.
As the director of energy club in Chung Yuan Elementary school, I would like
to share some related thoughts:
Role model
The most efficient way to teach students is through teachers’ modeling. By
teacher’s demonstration, students can know that everyone has their own
potential to build a solar-power car.
Game Designing Stimulating Creativity
Various kinds of games were used to stimulate students’ creativity. The
solar-powered cars built with teachers’ help were not the final products.
Instead, students had to think how to modify, improve or even reconstruct the
cars to compete with cars from other groups. Given time limit, students must
learn to cooperate and to design the mechanism calmly. It was a great
opportunity for students to develop their individual thinking and
collaborative leaning.
Thinking by Asking Questions
Other than theory explaining, teachers usually guide the students to think the
reason of strategies adopting to accomplish the tasks. Consecutive questions
made students think deeply. Moreover, brainstorming in groups can stimulate
more creativity.
Encouraging Risks Taking, Rewarding Creativity
Somehow, people who are creative usually can take more risks. Teachers’
missions are to help students to challenging the risks wisely. Most creations
break traditional regularities to some extent and may not be so pleased.
Teachers should not put a stop sign to students’ wild thoughts, even though
the failures are at the corner. To error is undoubtedly a way to learn.
Being a Maker is to link the process between thinking and doing, to find the
answers, to solve the problems, and to inspire new creation and invention.
Scientific concepts are often generated from authentic experience. Learning by
doing or playing, the scientific experience can lay a foundation for future
learning and facilitate the future development of other aspects.
It is said, imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is
limited, while imagination boundless. We try to integrate the spirits of
makers with energy education by making students self-motivated. The distance
between energy education and technology is drawing near. As long as there is a
will there is as way. So, let’s make it a brand new start, we can change the