
新北市永續環境教育中心教育推廣組組長  林作逸

壹、 寫在主題展前面:從環境議題談起
    而約莫從1980年以來,國際持續建立的環保或保育相關的多邊和雙邊協定即高達180種以上,其中較常聽到的有聯合國巴塞爾公約(1989)、全球氣候變遷綱要公約(1992)及京都議定書(1997)、生物多樣化公約(1992)、瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約(1975)、維也納公約(1985)與蒙特婁議定書(1987)、聯合國21世紀議程(1992),以及今(2015)年刻正在召開的巴黎氣候大會,是聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,簡稱UNFCCC)締約國第21屆的會議(簡稱COP21)。


貳、 探究環境難民與正義
    2015年2月底,中國大陸記者柴靜推出關於中國空氣污染的一部紀錄片,《穹頂之下》(全名為《柴靜霧霾調查:穹頂之下同呼吸共命運》)呼籲人們關注中國的空氣污染問題,許多人(包括我自己)才開始了解,原來在臺灣這幾年來,常發現的「沙塵暴」、「霧茫茫」的天空現象,其實就是《穹頂之下》中所提及的「霧霾」現象,而此現象更延伸到我們開始對「 PM2.5」的空氣污染一探究竟,以及聯想到臺灣罹患肺癌人數總在十大癌症人數統計表上名列前茅。中國與臺灣的距離說近不進,說遠不遠,隔著台灣海峽總有一段距離,但「霧霾」如「蝴蝶效應」般,「中國製造」、「臺灣接收」,如果不跨域、跨境合作討論如何解決的話,只顧自己境內,忽略環境問題外溢影響全球,這樣的國家應該會受到大家的抵制。


    1970年代起,各種發展所帶來的環境破壞也引起了人民「流離失所」的問題,聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)與聯合國難民署(UNHCR)便開始一起關注此項問題。1980年代起,「環境難民」(environmental refugee)的稱呼開始在聯合國相關的會議上被提出,而見諸於文字則首見於1984年。1985年,聯合國環境規劃署文獻中為「環境難民」作了定義:由於顯著的環境破壞(含天災與人禍)有礙其生存並(或)嚴重影響生活品質,人民被迫暫時或永遠的搬離其原來居處。

參、 從綠色消費發想主題
    環教中心除了負責推動新北市的環境教育,提供資訊與方向之外,在環教中心場館本身,也透過辦 理活動與民眾接觸。環教中心的教育展示區包含了溼地常設展,主題展,水生植物區,節能建築示範,更也向外無限延伸包含淡水河流域以及挖子尾自然保留區。在這樣的環境及脈絡下,105年環教中心的主題展延續104年的月月有環教系列活動,以敬水季、惜山季、海洋季、豐收季做為推動環教估做的計畫主軸,在以敬水季拉開序幕後,中心以「地球『綠』公民、環保『心』世界』主題辦理年度為期4個月的主題展。本次的主題展目標係以「水」是人類生活及文明發展的重要元素,另觀察大自然中的彩裳蜻蜓對一般生活環境的要求格外嚴格,彩裳蜻蜓必須在水質清澈地區活動,但目前臺灣實在是很難找到符合此條件的水域,更不用說在城市裡因為工業開發、水源污染等因素,有機會見到蜻蜓,如何喚醒民眾對環境、水源的重視,以讓蜻蜓有機會在城市裡和清澈水源相逢為訴求,透過互動性及再生藝術參與方式,讓民眾親近主題展內容,並了解環保的重要性,透過綠色消費的行動實踐,力行綠生活,以創造一個更好的綠活環境。


肆、 知行合一:永續環境的公民實踐
    做為一個優質公民,期待對環境能有「環境的事,不論大小事,都是我們的事」一般的價值與態度。當環境教育無所不在時,每一個人的環境公民素養自然具備,成為地球「綠」公民,環保「心」世界,自然不是奢望而是一塊餅乾(a piece of cake)稀鬆平常。


“Ecological” Global Citizens, EcoSense world
Translator: Gwen Lin (林美君新北市乾華國小)
原著:新北市永續環境教育中心教育推廣組組長 林作逸

Before the event 0f “Ecological” Global Citizens, EcoSense world”
--Exploring Environmental Refugees and Justice

By the end of February, 2015, Chinese Journalist,Chai Jing, issued a documentary named“Under the Dome”. This documentary is trying to remind public in China to notice the problem of air pollution. A great number of majority (including myself) starts to realize what we have heard from news such as PM2.5 or sandstorm is all mentioned in the movie “Under the Dome”. Nowadays, lung cancer is in the top-ten-cancer-list each year in Taiwan. Due to the fact that the location of Taiwan is not far from China, Chinese air pollution have great impacts on Taiwan. Therefore, when it comes to smog, it should be discussed as a transnational issue. The reason is that environmental problems are intertwined and it is just like butterfly effect. Whatever happens to China can happen to Taiwan.

Before this article was written, Mr. Lin(組長林作逸) went visiting Kinmen County. The Governor of Kinmen mentioned that the coastline of Kinmen is covered by trash floating from China. To have a better waste management, Governor of Kinmen suggests that both officers from Amoy and Kinmen should negotiate the solution of waste and water issues together.

When it comes to environmental debates, environmental justice cannot be ignored. Environmental justice emerged as a concept in the early 1980s. The term is described as a social movement which focuses is on fair distribution of environmental benefits. What’s more, it is also an interdisciplinary body of social science literature that includes theories of the environment, theories of justice, environmental law and governance, environmental policy and planning, development, sustainability and political ecology. Environmental justice mainly discusses how to protect the equity of environment effectively so as to maintain dignity of individual and different groups. It can also help respect uniqueness and various needs from different parties, further, it can help achieve self-realization and uplift the capability of individual and community. Environmental justice owes to encompass concepts such as striving to reach the balance of human activities, environment and ecology.

Take Tuvalu for example, it is an island located in Pacific Ocean. The islands of Tuvalu consist of six atolls and three reef islands. The altitude of Tuvalu is no higher than 4 meters; therefore, the erosion of coastline is very common. The rising sea level is a threat to the safety of citizens in Tuvalu. Thus, in 2001, the government of Tuvalu declared that local residents should be evacuated. New Zealand agreed to accommodate a certain number of civilians from Tuvalu. However, Australia declined the inquiry of Tuvalu. The phenomenon of environmental refugees from Tuvalu is a great example to present the injustice caused by global warming. As a global citizen, it is our responsibility to ponder issues such as environmental ethics and what moral conducts we should adopt.

Since 1970s, all sorts of destruction from development intrigued issues such as homeless people. Thus, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) start paying attention to these problems. Starting from 1980s, the term of “environmental refugee”was used at meetings of United Nation. The written form of environmental refugee is first seen in 1984. In 1985, UNEP defined the term of “environmental refugee” as people who must leave their homes and communities because of the effects of climate change and global warming.

About Green Consumption

Comparing the history of our universe to human beings, we would discover that how little we are. Whatever we have is given from Mother Nature, if we cherish gratefulness to Nature, we will not be so arrogant. We will not use natural resource wastefully and we can live in harmony with nature because we are all in this circle of life. It is our responsibility to bring peace to earth.
Green consumption is suggested to solve environmental problems. The main idea of green consumption is to rethink what we have done wrong in the past. We should start to purchase products that have lower impacts on our environment. The main concepts of green consumption are 4R and 3E, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Economic, Ecological,and Equitable. In short, bearing the ecological concepts in mind and reducing negative impacts on earth can all be called as green consumption.

The Event 0f “Ecological” Global Citizens, EcoSense world”

New Taipei City Sustainable Environmental Education Center is located on the left-hand side of Danshui River. This center not only provides traveling information but also holds various activities to educate citizens. In the year of 105, it continues the activities from the year of 104 to hold serious educational activities and there are all sorts of topics such as respecting water, mountains ,ocean ,and harvest..etc. After “Respecting water season”, the center will focus on the topic of “Ecological” Global Citizens, EcoSense world” for 4 months. The goal of this exhibition is to indicate that water is the key factor that forms human activities and civilization. Because of water pollution and industrial development, we rarely have chance to see dragonfly in cities. Thus, the center uses many interactive activities to let public know the importance of environmental protection. Further, with green consumption, every resident can contribute his or her own effort to our environment.

Sustainable Environmental Education-Time to Practice our citizenship

In 21st century, human beings are facing ten major problems-energy, water, food, environment, poverty, terrorists ,war, disease, education, democracy and population. All these issues we are facing nowadays intertwined with environmental justice. We should try not to lead an extravagant live and we should not exploit or overdevelop our natural resource. As mature global citizens, we should keep in mind that it is our duty to protect our own environment. If we follow these principles, we are not only practice our citizenship but live in harmony with our Mother Nature.