圖、文:新北市環境教育輔導團 研究員 焦妮娜
根據世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization, WTO)之定義:「綠色旅遊」涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,生態旅遊只是其中極小的一環,舉凡旅遊過程中,透過節能減碳或是使用綠能源的方式都算是綠色旅遊。
就讀市教大環教所時,曾修習陳建志教授的「生態旅遊」課,「跪地聞花香」是陳教授對生態旅遊的詮釋。各國專家學者對生態旅遊的看法及觀點不盡相同,也不下八、九十種,但不外乎以自然環境為基礎,以生態資源永續利用為出發點。到目前為止,大多數研究人員認為是Hector Ceballos-Lascuráin于20世紀八0年代創造了生態旅遊(Ecotourism)一詞。然而早在六0年代中期,Hetzer(1965)就曾提出生態的旅遊(ecological tourism)的概念。Hetzer(1965)認為生態旅遊是文化、教育和旅遊業的綜合體,是一種生態性的旅遊,包括:(一)達到最小的環境衝擊(二)利用當地的文化產生最大的經濟效益(三)使旅遊活動對當地造成最小的衝擊,並使旅遊活動能達到最大的期望(四)提供遊客獲得最大的遊憩體驗
1983年,學者赫克特將生態旅遊定義為「到相對未受干擾或未受污染的自然區域旅行,有特定的研究主題,且體驗或欣賞其中的野生動植物景象,並且關心區內的文化特色」。生態旅遊學會 (The Ecotourism Society) 在1991年為生態旅遊下了一個廣為各界接受的註解:「生態旅遊是一種具有環境責任感的旅遊方式,保育自然環境與延續當地住民福祉為發展生態旅遊的最終目標」,明確的定義:以自然環境為其觀光旅遊主要資源。
以節能減碳為目標的綠色旅遊 因應環保意識抬頭,隨著節能減碳風潮席捲全球,旅遊業著眼環保觀點,開始大力推行「綠色旅遊」,世界觀光組織並預言「綠色旅遊是未來旅遊業的發展趨勢」。綠色旅遊(Green Tourism)按國際上的定義,有狹義和廣義兩個方向;狹義的綠色旅遊,指的是以生態、環境、森林為旅遊主題或訴求的旅遊行程;廣義的綠色旅遊則以旅遊行程中的食宿、交通、紀念品、消費等,盡量朝低碳、對參觀地低衝擊、鼓勵當地消費的旅遊規劃。
依據世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization, WTO)對綠色旅行所下的定義為:「綠色旅遊」涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,生態旅遊只是其中極小的一環,舉凡旅遊過程中,透過節能減碳或是使用綠能源的方式都算是綠色旅遊。
從以上生態旅遊與旅色旅遊定義來看,明顯看出「綠色旅遊理念(green tourism) 」類似但不同於「生態旅遊(ecotourism)」。其不同在於:生態旅遊雖有對文化、教育以及旅遊再省思之特色,但發展至今,生態旅遊在概念上重視以自然地區為主,保育為目的的旅遊。綠色旅遊是一種積極的永續發展推力。當世界人口於活動都向城市聚集之時,城市中發生的旅遊需求與活動愈來愈受到重視。綠色旅遊強調綠色經濟活動、環境責任,與社會正義,但不限定旅遊地點。綠色旅遊的旅遊地點可以包括地球上任何一角落,而著重在旅遊環境之基礎建設效率效能之提升,業者企業社會責任,以及消費者實行綠色生活之消費機制與態度。故綠色旅遊在定義上,涵蓋了生態旅遊。而因為其重視新型綠色經濟與消費之倡議,鼓勵產業更新、提出綠色服務,促進轉型,尤其旅遊的行為與生活的習慣息息相關,藉由實際行動而能影響個人至群體的決策型態,所以是達成社會永續發展的重要推力。
大自然提供了無數的教學題材,遍佈在各個學科之中。良好的戶外教學正是形成合情合理之學校教育的方式之一(呂建政,1999)。美國寇克(kirk,1977)更認為今日環境教育的根源是來自於保育/自然研究運動(Conservation /Nature Study Movement)和露營/戶外教育運動(Camping /OutdoorEducation Movement)(引自楊冠政,1988),由此可知,戶外教學與環境教育之間的關係極為密切(劉世和,2005)而生態旅遊和綠色旅遊的功能,就是「旅遊功能、保護功能、扶貧功能、環境教育」,和戶外教學的教育功能不謀而合。
周儒、黃淑芬譯(Rillo,T.J.著)(1994):<戶外教育的真義>。環境教育季刊,20 期。
李崑山(1995):<開放教育中的戶外教學>。環境教育季刊,24 期。
王鑫、朱慶昇(1995):<戶外教育的範疇>。教師天地,75 期。
陳忠照( 1995):<校園環境步道教學活動設計與實施>。市師環教季刊,19 期。
李崑山(1996):<國民小學戶外教學理論與實務初探> 。環境教育季刊,30期。
賴雅芬(1996):<校園戶外教育>。環境教育季刊,30 期。
王鑫(1998):<戶外教學概論>。北縣國教輔導,7 期。
周儒、呂建政譯(Donald R. Hammerman、William M. Hammerman、Elizabeth L.Hammerman著)(1999):戶外教學。台北:五南圖書出版公司。
陶翼煌、吳怡彥、任培義(2010)綠色旅遊之定義、原則、與作法(The Definition, Principle, and Pratice of Green Tourism)
圖、文:新北市環境教育輔導團研究員 焦妮娜 英譯:張凱復
According to the definition brought forth by World Tourism Organization, WTO, Green Tourism covers numerous ways of traveling including Ecotourism. For example, during traveling, as long as some green, energy saving or carbon reduction measures are adopted, this travel can be considered one of Green Tourism.
That is to say, the so-called Green Tourism is now a much broader point of view which focuses on traveling in ways of energy saving and carbon reduction like using low carbon-emission vehicles, providing environmental-friendly and protection resorts, using local human resources and dining facilities, experiencing local biology and human ecology, including social welfare and green travel education activities.
The Definition of Ecotourism--Knelling down to Sniff the Sweet Flower Fragrance
When talking about Green Travel, people may wonder the differences between Green Travel and Ecotourism. During graduate school, the writer took an Ecotourism course. Prof. Chien-Chi, Chen, the instructor indicated that knelling down to sniff the sweet flower fragrance can be the interpretation of Ecotourism. Related experts do not share the same view points. But we can see the similarity based on natural environments and start from utilizing biological resources everlastingly.
So far, most researchers have regarded that it was Hector Ceballos-Lascura who invented the term Ecotourism in 1980s. However, early in the middle of 60s, Hetzer(1965) had proposed the concept of ecological tourism. Hetzer(1965) stated that ecological tourism is the combination of culture, education, and tourism. It is a biological tour including minimizing environmental collision, utilizing local cultures to reach the best economic benefits, minimizing the traveling influences on local areas and making the traveling activities meet the best anticipation and providing tourists with the best recreational experience.
In 1983, Hector defined ecological tourism as traveling to undisturbed or unpolluted natural areas with specific researching targets and experiencing or appreciating the wild life with caring to their cultural characters.The Ecotourism Society indicated a widely-accepted definition: Ecological tourism is a responsible way of traveling. Protecting the natural environments and lasting local residents’ happiness are the ultimate targets. It stated clearly that the main resources of travel are from natural environments.
Because of the rising environmental awareness and the overwhelming tide of energy saving and carbon reduction, travel agents has been focusing on environmental view points and promoting Green Travel. World Tourism Organization, WTO has predicted that Green travel will be the future trend of travel business.
According to the international definition of Green Tourism, it can be discussed from macro and micro angles. From micro angles, Green Tourism means travels based on biological, environmental, or forest themes. On the other hand, macro Green Tourism emphasizes on consuming less energy and carbon-emission, minimizing the influences on traveling areas, promoting local consumption.
According to the definition brought forth by World Tourism Organization, WTO, Green Tourism covers numerous ways of traveling including Ecotourism. For example, during traveling, as long as some green, energy saving or carbon reduction measures are adopted, this travel can be considered one of Green Tourism.
As a result, the idea of Green Travel is similar to Ecotourism. The differences lie in the reflection on culture, education and travel. Ecotourism mainly focus on traveling around natural areas with the purposes of biological reservation. Otherwise, Green Travel is positive and everlasting thrust.
When population is flooding toward city, more and more attention is drawn to the needs and activities of traveling. Green Tourism emphasizes green economy activities, environmental responsibilities and social justice. But Green Tourism does not limit traveling areas which can be any places around the world. Green Tourism, moreover, emphasizes the increase of infrastructure efficiency in the traveling areas, the social responsibilities of the business runners and the green life consuming mechanism and attitudes of consumers.
Based on the definition, Green Tourism can cover the idea of Ecotourism. On the grounds that it places much importance on promotion of new green economy and consuming, encouragements of industry innovation with green service and modification. Especially, traveling interweaves life styles deeply, by actual practice, an individual or a group decisions making can be influenced. Therefore, Green Tourism can function as a catalyzer to pursue the everlasting development of our society. From above, we can have a clear picture that Green Tourism is a broader conception than Ecotourism.
Fieldtrip Combining with Environmental Education
One cannot deny that every child anticipates field trip in each semester eagerly. The experiencing learning activities can not only deepen their learning but also carry out meaningful results. Meanwhile, to teachers’ expectations, through experiencing learning activities, students can acquire lots of pleasure, knowledge and inspiration from Mother Nature. In fact, this is similar with Ecotourism and Green Travel.
A Filed trip is to utilize outdoor context to help and compensate the insufficiencies of school courses and to enrich students’ learning in authentic environment. In brief, outdoor education takes place outdoors including expending the learning outside the classroom, providing direct experiences of nature and living context to increase students’ environmental and living awareness, a best-designed teaching program carried out and planned by students, teachers and outdoor education experts collaboratively, learning containing professional course designing, guidance, facilities providing and acquiring of students’ first hand experiences (Chou, 2003.)
The most efficient way of practicing environmental education is to learn in natural environment, for example, field trips (Young, 1998.) Outdoor education has received a great deal of attention in countries such as Japan, the USA, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Australia and Malaysia.
Mother Nature has provided us with numerous teaching materials which can be applied to every subject. Well-designed outdoor education is reasonably an important circle of school education (Lu, 1999.) Kirk also stated that the foundation of nowadays environmental education rooted in Conservation /Nature Study Movement as well as Camping /Outdoor Education Movement (Young, 1988.) Consequently, Liu (2005) indicated that the relation between outdoor and environmental education is highly related. Ecotourism, Green Travel and outdoor education alike keep similar educational perspective.
The Chairman of Taiwan Green Travel Association, Mr. Ren has said, Green Travel is like the field trip in one’s childhood but with contemporary trend. He stated furthermore the idea of Green Travel is to be responsible for the ecology of the earth. Business runners have to encourage the consumers to experience human ecology. The importance of the link between outdoor education and Green Travel cannot be overemphasized.
The Necessities of linking Outdoor Education with Green Travel
The Environmental Education Act has been enforced in 2011. It is necessary to practice a 4-hour-environmental education course every academic year in compulsory education system. But, due to the lack of professional training and ignorance of teachers and school administration staffs, nearly every school pays visit to the theme parks in Taiwan which makes the outdoor education meaninglessly.
There are abundant environmental education resources in Taiwan. Teacher can make the best of places such as national parks, botanical gardens, zoos, nature learning centers and their demonstration, introduction, education programs, facilities and activities.
Several parental and natural education groups have launched a campaign in Jun, 2013 to support quality outdoor education. Instead sitting in the classrooms all day, our children should contact as many outdoor activities as possible.
The author would like to call people’s attention not merely to return children the right of outdoor education but motivate the experiencing economy with Green Travel. Moreover, through manipulation and active participation in outdoor education, children can strengthen their caring attitudes toward local environment and living surroundings. Also, the author would like to modify the lack of environmental education in outdoor education and carve out an everlasting-environment-targeted mode for future outdoor education.